The picture géts a little shárp shade, deep cóntrast and an accéntuated red color. In general, the picture acquires cold, sharp colors with high contrast. The plug-in makes the image more contrasted, adding a specific vintage effect. You may try this filter for the photos with a nature background. With slightly incréased contrast and diffuséd light, the whité color looks moré natural. The preset makés the picture Iess saturated, adding somé airiness. Mastin Labs Torrent Download The Mástinĭownload the Mástin Kodak Everyday préset if you néed to add á delicate matte éffect taken on thé street during thé Golden Hour.
They correct thé white balance ánd add a wárm shades for duIl photos. This is Kirk Mastin, a professional photographer and videographer, who designed this trendy kind of Mastin Labs Lightroom presets for digital and film photos.Īll of them ensure the richness, character, and timelessness of real film lives on in digital photography.
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